Willy Wyps are a new, unique product to stop males from shaking their Willy and leaving drips and drops around the toilet area. They also prevent drops from spilling in the trousers to cause wet spots and stains.
Willy Wyps Benefits:
Discourages the traditional shake, rattle and roll.
Protects the toilet surrounds - Saves on cleaning.
Protects the trousers from wet spots and stains.
Conveys a subtle message to all toilet users.
Many medical professionals advise wiping as a precaution to avoid urinary infection.
Willy Wyps Features:
Easy to install - Positioned for males to use.
One handed operation to remove a wipe.
No twisting, bending or having to tear off paper.
The used wipe is flushed down the toilet
I don't know what's more disturbing - calling cocks "willies" like this was being marketed at nine-year old boys or the misplaced apostrophe.